by Southern New England Events

FAQs - Wrentham Artisan Market

Vendor Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to join the entire season?

No, vendors can apply for just one event or all events.

Do you have a limit on product categories?

Yes, we do limit categories so there will only be a few vendors with the same type of products. We try to ensure like vendors differ in style/design/medium etc. However we do not provide exclusivity to one vendor for any one type of product.

Do you advertise?

Yes, each year we have a specific budget for online advertising that is allocated for each event date. We also have flag/signs posted at the Legion. We do also share graphics for each event and encourage vendors to post about the markets on their own accounts.

How big is the space supplied?

Vendor spots are 10’x10’ with additional space for a walking path on each side of the vendor.

Why was my application declined?

Applications can be declined for many reasons, if they are incomplete, if we have maxed out in a specific category of products, if the event is sold out, if we don’t deem your products are are fit for the market.

My application was declined should I apply again?

Vendors are always welcome to reapply, but most likely we don’t have a spot for you if your application has been declined.

How long until i receive a response from my application?

Typically we respond within 2-3 business days. During peak application season (January-March) it can take longer for a response if we are filling our last spot(s) in specific product categories. You can always email us for an update.

My application was accepted, but the contract has expired what should I do?

Once you are accepted to the market, you are required to pay within 24 hours. If you do not sign your contract and pay within this time period the contract will expire. At this spot we are able to offer your spot to another vendor if we have pending applications. If you still want to attend please email us and we will re-review your application.

If I apply for multiple events will I be accepted for all?

Yes, we do assess applications based on all events selected on the application. In many cases we may be only to accept a vendor for some of the events requested. However if we have space in all the events applied for we will accept and invoice you for all selected.

I’ve seen the Meet the Maker posts on your socials and want to know how to be featured?

After your application is accepted and your contract and invoice are signed, you were sent an email about Social posting. Once you complete this form and give us permission to use your photographs we will get you on the list for the Meet the Maker series. We do our best to post all that are submitted, but sometimes we receive incomplete forms or submissions that are too close to the event date. To be sure to be included make sure to fully complete the form and submit it at least 4 weeks before the events. Please feel free to email us if you have further questions.

I was accepted to the market, but now I have added a new product line, can I sell my new products?

Please email us at to ask if your new product line can be sold at your event. We will need to ensure we haven’t maxed out in the product category.

What happens when it rains?

We make all postponement decision 24 hours before the start of the event. If we decide that we need to postpone vendors will be notified via email and we make posts on our social channels. We make every effort to hold the event on the scheduled day, but due to dangerous weather conditions it is not always possible.

What happens if I cannot attend the rain date?

Rain dates are published and determined in advance, we expect that vendors reserve the rain date so they are able to come. If you cannot attend we ask that you notify us as soon as possible. Refunds are not provided for missed rain dates.

Where do I park?

Vendors are able to park directly behind their space for easy load in and load out. If you have a larger vehicle or vehicle with a trailer, please let us know in advance so we can ensure a large enough parking spot for you at your spot. Vendors and their helpers are prohibited from parking in the legion parking lot at any time during load in or the event time.

What if I have two cars or an employee helping me?

There is ample additional vendor parking to the right of the field behind the first row of vendor tents. Any helpers are required to pull on the field to help with load in or park in the additional vendor parking. Please direct your employees/helpers to park in the appropriate spots. A map will be shared prior to the event date.

Is there a bathroom on site?

Yes, there are two bathrooms inside the American Legion. Enter through the backdoor, upstairs is a handicap bathroom and downstairs has a mens and womens bathroom.

Do you only accept handmade vendors?

Most of the time yes. We want to provide a quality market to the community with vendors that work hard at their craft. We are happy to accept community based organizations that serve the local community. Occasionally we will accept non-handmade items if they are of high caliber, but we do not accept MLM consultants (ie. color street, scentsy etc).

I see that your are sold out for an event or in my category should i still apply?

If we are sold out ee recommend that you join our cancellation/email list.